Monday, May 3, 2010

Why KOREA?!?

Para mi Becky:

This is the question that I am constantly getting asked and to this I answer:
Seoul at night (National Geographic)

Seoul again.

Jeju Island- Korea's "Hawaii" off the southern coast

cherry blossom trees!

beautiful detail on Jakwangsa Temple, Daejeon, South Korea (national geographic)

*None of these pictures are mine (I'm not in Korea yet duh!)

     I finally finished school and received my Elementary Education teaching degree and certificate in December and had to make the decision as to what to do next. My parents live in Germany and my mom had mentioned several times the idea of my teaching there. I was interested in one of the high-paying teaching jobs at an international school in Frankfurt.

     One day while at work at the hospital, one of my coworkers asked me where I was going to get a teaching job.  That conversation changed my life.  You see I am a firm believer that EVERYTHING happens for a reason.  I'm sure that some of my friends are sick of hearing me say that hehe.  Well, anyway at this point I mentioned the Germany thing.  Without skipping a beat, Chris said "You should teach in Korea!"  She told me about how she had a friend who had been living in South Korea and absolutely loves it.  I'm pretty sure I said something along the lines of "Um, no thank you!"  I had never really given much thought to Asia before.  At Chris's insistence I friended* her friend Erica on Myspace. 
     Erica was super sweet to respond with all of the information I needed.  At this point I still had doubts and thought that I would more than likely try to teach in Germany.  Erica had given me the link to her blog so I read the whole thing from beginning to end.  I'm sure I wasn't even halfway thru when I decided I wanted to seriously look into being an English teacher in Korea.  You can and should read her blog here:

     Ok, I could write loads more on this topic and I'm sure I will in future posts but I think this is enough for this one!
*(Spellchecker doesn't like my use of the word friended, but I'm sure that one will be added to the dictionaries soon enough.)

We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we're curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths. -Walt Disney

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