I. feel. so. overwhelmed. This is insane! It's not even work I'm talking about. I just feel like there are a zillion and two things I WANT to see and do and don't have enough time to do all of them. We work all week long until way after the sun sets. Because of this, all other activities have to wait until the weeknd. I have been here roughly 3 months or 14 weekends. In that time, I have seen and done soooo much. I've never lived in a big city and it is all so unbelievable. I don't even have to look for things to do here.
Every week someone at work mentions something amazing that I don't want to miss out on...film festivals, expos, exhibits, palaces...the list goes on forever. Other friends are wanting to do things too. I don't see them during the week, so the weekend is the only option. With the time difference, the weekend is the perfect time to Skype friends and family back home. I've found a church that I really love! When I get done at Jubilee, the day is already almost over. Also, I need weekends to regroup, relax, and get ready for the coming week. Aggghhhhh there's just not enough time.
The funny thing is, my complaint is hardly a complaint at all. I love Seoul, and I love that there are so many amazing things to do here. One of my friends said it best though, "We are trying to act like we are on vacation here even though we still have to go to work." That might be a slight misquote, but she was dead on. I need to take the time to enjoy life here and not cram every weekend full of things I have to see. I'm planning on being here for a couple years, so if I miss somthing this year, I'll just catch it next time around!
"I would I could stand on a busy corner, hat in hand, and beg people to throw me all their wasted hours." ~Bernard Berenson
How did it get so late so soon?
It's night before it's afternoon.
December is here before it's June.
My goodness how the time has flewn.
How did it get so late so soon?
~Dr. Seuss
what a disaster ;)
- Erin.